Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 2001-02-21

On Monday evening of this week the Prime Minister made a very welcome announcement of the continuing support of the federal coalition government for the railway, but at the same time he made some announcements in respect of statehood. Could the Chief Minister advise this House on the current position of the federal government on statehood issues for the Northern Territory?


Mr Speaker, it was pleasing to hear. I quote the words of the Prime Minister to the audience on Monday evening. The Prime Minister said:

It remains the policy of the federal government that the Northern Territory should achieve full statehood. It is for the people of the Northern Territory to make a decision on the matter. We won’t stand in your way and we won’t be reluctant to put in place the necessary support and necessary government decisions that are needed.

Just to elaborate on that statement, amongst the criticisms that are levelled at our Prime Minister unnecessarily in regards to things like cheap shots on fuel prices, it is worth Territorians remembering that it has been Prime Minister John Howard who gave Territorians their real shot at statehood and it is Prime Minister John Howard’s firm commitment to keep that door open for Territorians. The challenge for Territorians is to work together to achieve statehood, and that is certainly something I believe very few of us would disagree with.

With regards to the statement of the Prime Minister, it has always been a suspicion of this government that that kind of support is not there under the federal Labor Party and if the Leader of the Opposition has any influence at all, a similar statement of support from her federal leader would be most encouraging to all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016