Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2000-05-17

I refer the minister to the so-called major increases in health spending associated with this year’s budget. We all know that the CLP government has priors when it comes to promising health projects and failing to deliver. It is now clear that the record will continue.

Budget Paper No. 4 shows that the private development at the Alice Springs Hospital, for which you have promised $16m, is not due to receive one cent from the budget in the coming financial year. Indeed, the CLP government will not even get around to calling for tenders until June 2001. Even by your own standards this is a shocking act of hypocrisy. Where is your honesty when you are making a major budget announcement to the people of Alice Springs without actually funding a cent in the budget?


Mr Speaker, I did mention in answer to a previous question that it is a pity the member for Wanguri only has this year’s budget papers. I suggest he goes back to last year’s budget papers as well because he will see that our capacity to build-in capital works – which often takes place over 2 financial years which may surprise the member for Wanguri – covers more than one financial year.

My hope is that he is so dismissive of our program that he stands in the way of the bulldozers that will be on-site in Alice Springs Hospital in the next few months. The site is being secured now; the contracts will go ahead; there is cash for them. The cash comes from previous works and my hope is that he is so confident that nothing will take place that he stands on the site, because he will find that he is quickly run over by backhoes.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016