Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ADAMSON (School Education) - 1999-10-13

Mr ADAMSON (School Education): Mr Speaker, I undertook earlier to provide details from the appropriation debate before last in relation to truancy. The member for Stuart asked:

How many parents did the department refer either to the police or to other agencies for prosecution for failing to have their children attend school, and what was the cost to the department?

I finished my reply with:

When the member was out bush, how many prosecutions did he recommend?

Mr Toyne: I am not saying that I do not agree with you.

I table that - page 1533, appropriation debate, 18 June 1998.

While we certainly do have a responsibility in this area, and maybe it has not been done as well in the past, keep an eye out for this code of conduct.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016