Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-10-13

In this House in August 1990, the Country Liberal Party minister responsible at the time said the Residential Tenancy Act needed a total and comprehensive review. Labor and Territorians have been waiting 8 years, but your government has produced nothing. Last week, I introduced a bill that will give Territory tenants and property owners modern and fair legislation. I ask the Attorney-General, will you support this bill or will Territorians have to continue to suffer while you and your government sit on your hands?


Madam Speaker, I would not have thought that the member for Fannie Bay would have been exactly buoyed with the response that she received to her proposed legislation from those who comprise the private and commercial sector within the Northern Territory.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr STONE: Well, if you can be quiet, I can answer the question.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Fannie Bay!

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, the reality is, a great deal of work has been done on the review of tenancy laws.
In fact, I look around this Chamber and I see, they are all nodding. They have played a part in all of this. The reality is that there is a great deal of work that has been done and has been reactivated again by Dr Richard Lim, the Parliamentary Secretary. And as I indicated in the first part of my answer, he will be charged with that and members will be appraised of what will occur at a time ahead.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016