Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1999-06-02

The Office of Senior Territorians recently advertised that community grants are available as part of the International Year of Older Persons. Can the minister detail what organisations are eligible for these grants and how this will impact on the celebrations this year?


Mr Speaker, I thank the member for the question. I know he has a strong interest in this. At the events that are being organised thus far, the member for Millner has been there with his mother-in-law, and I’m very appreciative to see him there.

The Office of Senior Territorians has started advertising our grants program for 1999-2000, the small grants program which was announced in the budget initiatives. There will be a further ad in the next week or so. The program has been developed to offer assistance for our senior Territorians and other relevant eligible groups and organisations to meet costs associated with activities and projects undertaken during this, the Year of Older Persons.

We hope that the projects that are undertaken will help contribute towards the celebration of this unique year, and we’ll give preference to innovative projects that would not normally attract funding from other government sources.

I’m happy to announce that there are 4 projects that have already been approved by government and they are a bid from the NT Hockey Association to promote the 50th anniversary of post war hockey in the Northern Territory - they will be bringing up a couple of their past senior players; Angarrumanja to transcribe some Aboriginal stories of Aboriginal elders; Knuckey’s Lagoon are going to have a celebration for their 4th birthday and have a particular focus on senior citizens with a barbeque; and the resource and advisory program is working to assist the aged care sector in the Northern Territory, and I’ll provide some assistance for that workshop that’s coming up.

I mention these proposals because they do give some indication to people in the wider Territory community of the diversity of applications that are forthcoming. I encourage groups to apply and I encourage the members of this House to talk to those senior citizens groups in their electorates to encourage applications from them. We have some $0.5m to disburse and, while I’m on my feet, I’d like to also announce that the non-government sector, the business sector, has also contributed to this program.

We know with the Senior’s Card there is a directory of companies offering assistance to older Territorians. I can also announce this morning that Moran Health Group who are looking to invest in the Northern Territory have donated a prize to the value of $5000 for a portrait of senior Territorians which will be undertaken in conjunction with the show circuit. We would hope that those photographers in the community that normally exhibit in the shows up and down The Track will focus on senior Territorians in a portraiture exhibit. I would like to take the opportunity at some later time during this year to put them on display in this Parliament.

The year is intended to be a celebration of the contribution made by older people in our society and we are quite happy to put our hand in our pocket and contribute towards this celebration and I encourage members of this House to talk to the groups that are in the electorates and try and organise events and commemorative activities during this year.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016