Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2000-05-10

My questions relates to the needs of special education students in Palmerston. I have been involved in discussions with parents and there is some concern about future special education facilities in Palmerston. A number of primary age school students will soon move into the secondary age bracket. They are now travelling from Palmerston to existing special schools in Darwin. I ask the minister whether the needs of these special students in Palmerston are being recognised and addressed?


I thank the member for Blain for his question. I know he has a particular interest in this area in Palmerston where he is extremely active and, coming from an education background, he has a special interest in this area. The Chief Minister also has a special interest in this area.

Mr Speaker, I can tell both members that there will be $1.3m spent in building a special education complex as part of the Palmerston High School complex, and the reasons for this are many. First of all, we have a demand in the area. There are students who go from both the rural area, which I represent, and Palmerston, to both Henbury Avenue School, which is in the northern suburbs, and Nemarluk, which is in Ludmilla. We have overcrowding at both of those facilities and with many of the students currently in Palmerston and in the rural area coming to an age where they will need to move on to secondary school. Consequently, given the excellent facilities for special education at Woodroffe Primary School, there is a need to cater for those students of secondary age coming out of that area too.

That $1.3m we will be spending, construction is due to start in August this year with completion due in June next year for second semester use thereon. This will be a good facility for Palmerston, it will answer the needs of the residents of both Palmerston and the rural area and is further evidence of this government’s commitment to the special needs of education in the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016