Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-08-11

What is his response to claims in federal parliament by Labor Senator Trish Crossin that Northern Territory government policy has retarded economic development of the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I took the opportunity to listen to the maiden speech of Senator Crossin …

Ms Martin: It was excellent.

Mr REED: I am pleased that the member for Fannie Bay, who has been referred to, with her colleagues, by a long-term Labor Party member as an oxygen thief, should interject like that. Actually, as Minister for Police, I had considered instituting an investigation into it. It is an issue in the community. People are concerned about thieves. Apart from the Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the member for Fannie Bay, the rest of members opposite are considered by the Labor Party to be oxygen thieves. Thus, the division is not only amongst their own ranks, but extends right out into the ALP membership …

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr REED: … however big that is.

Do not breath too deeply, Jack. We do not want to have more oxygen stolen than is necessary …

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: As a Territorian, I had hoped that, in her maiden speech, the Senator might have put the case for the Territory. I had hoped she would show some vision for the future and some enthusiasm about what lies ahead of us. We face a decade of growth with resource development and the construction of the railway which this government has pursued so strongly. That will be under construction next year and will generate extensive activity across the Northern Territory. The resource development in the Timor Sea …

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr REED: You may not be interested in creating jobs for Territorians.

Ms Martin: I am. But I would …

Mr REED: You may not be interested. I know you are not interested in the fact that the Northern Territory has had the highest population growth in Australia for a number of years. At 2.2% it is almost double the national average. The honourable member is not interested in the fact that we have the lowest unemployment rate in the country and have had for a number of years.

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: Are members opposite not proud of the fact that employment opportunities will increase by 2.5% this year and that there will be an increase in the number of jobs for Territorians? Are they not pleased to live in the jurisdiction in Australia that has the highest level of economic growth in the country? Are they unable to see that as presenting opportunities for business to expand, for commercial activity to grow and for our industries to provide jobs for Territorians, particularly kids leaving school?

Why was it that Senator Crossin did not have the same vision, the same hope, the same futuristic view for Territorians? I quote from Hansard. Talking about the Northern Territory government’s policy, she says: ‘The effect of this has been to frustrate and retard the economic development of the Northern Territory’.

I have just demonstrated that we have the highest level of economic growth in the country, the lowest level of unemployment and the highest population growth. Any other parliamentary representative would be pleased to be able to get up and say: ‘My patch is the brightest spot in Australia. My patch offers the best opportunities for Territorians. My patch offers the best opportunities for young Territorians’. But what does Senator Crossin do? She follows a purely Labor Party philosophy that has no vision for the future.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr REED: You do not believe me? They are not our statistics. These are ABS statistics in relation to our economic growth, our population growth …

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: I know a conspiracy theory blocks your view …

Ms Martin interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay.

Mr REED: There are people out there listening to this broadcast, or trying to, in spite of your rudeness and interjections. People listening to this broadcast are aware of the fact that we are providing opportunities for Territorians, and that Territorians are working hard to achieve success. The government facilitates the activity. Our policies encourage growth and development. But it is the people out there – I am sorry Senator Crossin did not recognise them - in the commercial sector, in industry and in the Defence Force who are making the Territory grow. I think it is a great shame that Senator Crossin in her maiden speech could only put them down. She failed to recognise the opportunities being provided for Territorians. She failed to tell the Senate what great chances are here for Australians in the Northern Territory and how she would fight for her patch. Instead, she put Territorians down. I think that is a great shame.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016