Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2001-06-06

I previously raised in this House the matter of sexually transmitted diseases in sexual assaults. Could the Attorney-General advise the House as to where we are with that?


Mr Speaker, I certainly hope that when the legislation is introduced today, legislation entitled Sentencing (Transmission of Disease to Victim of Sexual Assault) Amendment Bill (Serial 322) that the member for Macdonnell is satisfied that government has acted rapidly based on his comments in debate in this House last sittings. Serious comments that he made about the fact that there should be some aggravation in law for a victim of sexual assault where a sexually transmitted disease has been transmitted to that victim and there should be aggravation as a consideration in sentencing the offender. The government has acted rapidly to take up the member’s comments.

The purpose of this particular bill is to make express provisions for the court to take into account in sentencing the transmission of a sexually transmissible medical condition to a victim of a sexual offence in the course of that assault. It also makes provision for the harm that may be occasioned to a victim by the transmission of a sexually transmissible medical condition or the fear of transmission to be included in victim impact statements or victim reports.

I take the opportunity on behalf of, not only all of the members of this side of the House, and I am sure many Territorians, to thank the member for his comments and concern. I hope that it also demonstrates the rapid way this government will act to fix issues in law where there are obvious anomalies, and that is what we have done with this act.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016