Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1997-12-01

With the significant defence build-up in the Territory having a large impact on our community, what moves have been made to encourage local industry to take advantage of that?


Madam Speaker, this question is about creating jobs for young Territorians, not the grubby carry-on we have heard from members opposite. The Army Presence in the North program is now over half complete, and military planners, I suppose somewhat belatedly, are beginning to address their support needs within our local business community. A quite significant step in that process was Indef 97, an industry/defence seminar hosted jointly by the Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry and the headquarters of Northern Command. It was held on 29 and 30 October this year, the idea being to bring together some 100 Territory industry leaders, defence personnel and representatives from several of the major national defence companies. The emphasis was on providing a framework for partnering with local industry to enable servicing of the infrastructure and the community requirements of what is a growing proportion of our population. Presenters included Professor Carl Thayer from the Australian Defence Force Academy, Professor Anthony Bergin from the Australian Defence Study Centre and the head of the defence commercial support program, Mr Mike McNamara, as well as the chairman of our local Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Peter Carew.

A number of syndicate sessions were held. The subjects covered included fuel and specialist gases, transportation, food and water, medical and dental supply services, logistical engineering and specialist engineering. The mixture of defence and industry leaders in the syndicates addressed strategic planning issues, and they certainly produced some quite useful initial outcomes. One of the major outcomes, however, was the agreement that defence and industry need to work together to develop solutions providing maximum outcomes for Territory companies. The biggest problem we have with the defence build-up is ensuring that local industry shares in the benefits and the job creation, thereby providing young Territorians with work. While we have a ...

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: Obviously, the member for Nhulunbuy does not think this is important. I suppose that is fair and reasonable because, under 13 years of Labor government, as most commentators are well aware, Australia’s defence budget fell to its lowest level since 1938. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. This is factual. It is on the record. This is what makes them put their heads in the air and try to stop answers being heard.

However, the government will not be diverted. We will ensure that the maximum is done to create jobs for Territorians. When it is considered that we are dealing with a mentality that dictates that, when a tank breaks down, it is loaded on to a truck and taken to Melbourne for repair, we still have a fair way to go. However, I must congratulate the commanding officer, Northern Command, Brigadier Chris Roberts, and people in the Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry for organising this seminar because it is a means of ensuring that we maximise opportunities for Territorians.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016