Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-11-23

I understand a local information technology company, Octa4, is about to sign a major partnership agreement which will put it firmly in the heart of the South-East Asian IT market, with some 80 million customers. Is this correct and, if so, what are the implications for the company and for the Northern Territory?


Mr Speaker, I am very pleased to be able to inform the House that the Territory Internet service specialist Octa4 Code Media has indeed formed a strategic international alliance which will give it access to 80 million potential new customers. Today I will be witnessing the signing of a merger agreement between Octa4 and the United States telecommunications company that will create a $50m Australia-BIMP-EAGA information corridor. This venture includes Octa4’s recently-acquired subsidiaries, 3G Communications of the Philippines and Dynasem Communications of Malaysia. It will see Octa4 providing information technology and communication facilities to the Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines East Asian growth area (BIMP-EAGA), which is a region with excess of 80 million people.

As a subsidiary of, Octa4 will also become the Northern Territory’s first company to raise investment finance through NASDAQ,the United States stock exchange, and I think that is an extremely significant step. Today represents a significant milestone in the development of the Territory’s information technology and communications industry. The venture shows that local companies are maturing and they have the necessary capabilities to compete in world markets.

This partnership means Octa4 will provide voice, data and video services, both conventionally and also via the Internet, to a consumer base which is 4 times larger than Australia’s. The Octa4 consortium will introduce leading-edge technology into a region which is often restricted due to a lack of communications infrastructure, and there will be a transfer of wireless technology from the US. When I say ‘wireless, that means doing it without wire, from the US. It means that Darwin will be at the cutting edge of this technology.

This project will essentially start the process of making Darwin the communications hub for eastern Indonesia, eastern Malaysia, Brunei and the southern Philippines. That is in line with the government’s stated intention in Foundations for Our Future of working to make Darwin a hub in the South-East Asian area. The development of the Australia-BIMP-EAGA information corridor proves that the Northern Territory can become a very significant service provider for South-East Asia. I commend the company for the achievement, especially the principal of Octa4, Felino Molina, and also Tony Peralta and staff of the Department of Asian Relations and Trade who worked very hard with Octa4 to bring this whole process about. It is a milestone in IT for the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016