Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1997-12-04

Is it a fact that huge tracts of Territory land are handed over by the Country Liberal Party administration to a land corporation that is entirely outside the control of the government? The Auditor-General states in his annual report that the government does not know that it is receiving all the funds it has due from land sales, it does not know the details of the land that is sold and there is no formal involvement by the government in the process by which the corporations sells its land. In other words, this administration hands over public land to an unaccountable ...

Mr STONE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! This is a statement. It is not a question.

Madam SPEAKER: That is fair comment. Get on with your question. Complete it.

Mr BAILEY: Very sensitive, aren’t we?

In other words, the administration hands over public land to an unaccountable, unauditable, secret body. Will the minister tell this House whether he intends to take the Auditor-General’s advice and clarify and formalise the arrangements with the land corporation?


Madam Speaker, I have read the report of the Auditor-General. I have also read the response provided to that report by the department which was also included in the report by the Auditor-General. I intend to take no further action in relation to it. If honourable members opposite have questions of the Northern Territory Land Corporation, they should be properly addressed to its chairman.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016