Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-04-21

Will the minister explain why the waiting list for Royal Darwin Hospital has gone from 1400 to over 2000 in just 6 months? This is a real question!


It is a real question, Mr Speaker. Waiting lists are a difficult thing to manage for health jurisdictions around Australia. It is not just a matter of having a bland figure and saying that there are so many people waiting and therefore there is something wrong with the system. It’s often a matter of how long they wait and whether that’s an appropriate wait. There are people attending Royal Darwin Hospital today who will have to wait for treatment. That’s quite an appropriate thing. It’s not a matter of counting them up and saying that therefore there is something wrong. The issue really is how long they are waiting and whether that’s an inappropriate length of time.

I can tell members that the waiting lists at Royal Darwin Hospital are appropriate for the treatments that are required. People who need urgent treatment are receiving it. That’s the issue. If you need treatment at Royal Darwin Hospital for a particular complaint and it is urgent, you are treated. That’s the issue.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016