Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1998-12-03

I have sat here in this Chamber for the last couple of weeks listening to the continuous negative carrying-on of the Labor members opposite. They would have us believe that the Territory is destined to a future of economic doom and gloom. As the school year is about to end, can the Treasurer tell us what sort of economic future there is for our children, our youth entering the workforce?


Madam Speaker, I must say it is a relief that a question of such interest to Territorians, particularly at this time of the year, has been asked. What a shame members opposite did not ask it! During the course of these sittings they have not asked one constructive question that would require an answer that would be of interest to Territorians. That is a reflection on their capacity to represent their constituents. Surely, out there in their constituencies, they have people who are interested in the current …

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: It was you lot that were on the radio this morning complaining about interruptions to the progress in this House. Territorians might be interested in listening to these very important facts.

Territorians would be interested in the fact that the last 12 months to March showed a population increase of 2.1% - the fastest rate in the country. Tasmania and the ACT had negative population growth. In our labour market, the unemployment rate in October was 3% - the lowest of any jurisdiction. The national figure is 7.3%. Territory full-time adult average weekly earnings increased by 4.8% over the year, to $781.30. NT gross state product in 1996-97 grew by 4.6%, second only to Queensland at 5.2%. The national average was 3%.

The 12-month housing result is a good economic indicator. The number of residential building approvals was up 26.1% compared with the previous year, while the national increase was 10.3%. The total value of building approvals in the 12 months to October 1998 increased by 40.6%, compared with an increase of 8.6% nationally. Retail trade in the Territory grew by 6% in the 12 months to October compared with the previous period. That remains a healthy figure against the national figure of 4.6%.

Wouldn’t you think members opposite would be interested in those figures? Wouldn’t you think they would relate it to job prospects? Wouldn’t you think they would relate to job prospects for those young Territorians who this year will leave school and go out into the workforce or go on to higher studies to find a future in the Northern Territory? Wouldn’t you think members opposite would be interested in the fact that the Territory offers greater job prospects and brighter futures for Territory kids than they will find anywhere else in Australia? How would they like their kids to be in South Australia, where there’s a youth unemployment rate of 27%? Why aren’t they interested in asking questions in this House on these important matters, instead of grubbing around in the gutter on personal innuendoes, trivial issues of no interest to Territorians?

In fact, we have school leavers this year, having completed their schooling in an excellent system with some of the best education facilities in the country ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Wanguri, you have already been spoken to.

Mr REED: ... who now face the bright prospect of being able to go and get a job. By their interjections, members opposite clearly indicate their lack of interest in these matters. By their failure to get up and ask questions on these important issues, they demonstrate a lack of concern for the wellbeing of Territorians, for the future of Territory kids. I think people listening to this broadcast will understand the subtleties of their incompetence.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016