Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 1997-12-04

In his address to this Chamber, His Honour the Administrator said: ‘If our constitution is to be truly ours, and truly in touch with the people that it serves, then it should be understood and owned by the people’. Will the Chief Minister tell Territorians why he has ignored the advice of the bipartisan Committe on Constitutional Development that proposed a partially-elected convention and has opted instead for an appointed constitutional convention? Will the Chief Minister agree that, to fulfil the Administrator’s objectives, he should have endorsed the committee’s and Labor’s proposal?


Madam Speaker, a major ministerial statement will be delivered on this matter following Question Time. I have not ignored the advice of the Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, nor am I at odds with the views expressed by the Administrator.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016