Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 1998-02-26

I have been made aware of a potential new industry based in the electorate of Goyder for the production of an internationally popular health food product. Can the minister confirm that the spirulina alga is to be cultivated and processed in the Northern Territory for the export market?


Madam Speaker, that product will indeed be produced in the Territory. Yesterday, I met with the chairman of the Taiwanese-based Nan Pao group when he arrived in Darwin for a tour of inspection of the site his company is developing for the production of the spirulina alga. Perhaps members recall that a Nan Pao representative visited the Territory in late 1995. I think he had dealings with the Chief Minister, in his role at that time as Minister for Asian Relations, Trade and Industry, with regard to Darwin being an ideal location for the cultivation of spirulina. Following that visit, a decision was made to establish a trial project.

Members may well ask what spirulina is. Spirulina is a health food that is grown on salt lake ponds. It requires a tropical or subtropical climate. It is an alga that has been around for millions of years, but it has become popular recently as a nutritional supplement. I have information here that spirulina is more than 60% protein, contains all the essential amino acids and has been referred to as 'nature's superfood'. It is the most nutritious, concentrated whole food known. Spirulina has many properties which are beneficial for athletes, weight-watchers and those, such as busy executives, whose nutritional levels may not be satisfactory. There are even those who suggest it has aphrodisiac properties. If it does half of what it is claimed that it will do, it will have people jumping out of their skins!

Nan Pao has already developed markets for spirulina that it intends to cultivate,

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process and package in Darwin. The target markets for the Darwin product include Japan, Korea and China. A considerable amount of site work has been carried out at Nan Pao's property at Berry Springs, at an estimated expenditure of $0.5m. All that work has been carried out by local contractors. The next stage of the project is the trial production of the product. The total spirulina project cost is estimated to be between $10m and $12m. Stage 1 of the project will require a general manager, 2 supervisors and 3 workers. Stages 2 to 5 will require a scientist, 3 supervisors and 23 workers. There will be a total of 33 local employees. It is a good project, employing local people and creating an activity that will be beneficial for the Territory.

Nan Pao has also carried out a market survey regarding water that is available at Berry Springs. That survey indicated that bottled water from the Northern Territory would be very competitive if exported to Taiwan and Japan. Nan Pao is looking into a project that would involve a bottled water plant.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016