Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 1999-08-19

The personal hospital files of many Territorians are currently stored on a database located in Arizona, United States. The Attorney-General would be aware that this database has moved countries and jurisdictions a number of times, and on at least one occasion the link to this database has been cut in an accident. Will his proposed poor substitute for real freedom of information laws cover these files, which are located outside the Northern Territory’s jurisdiction?


Mr Speaker, I will take on board the incorporation of that data as we draft the new legislation. While I am on my feet, I point out that if anyone wants some indication of the workability of freedom of information laws Australia-wide, they should take note of the article in yesterday’s Australian – an article very critical of all jurisdictions for their lack of access, according to the Australian’s reporters.

They may have a biased opinion about how much access they should have for their own needs. But the important part of that article, to my mind, substantiates the comments that have been made on many occasions by this government. The jurisdictions most criticised in that article are all jurisdictions that have in place this so-called freedom of information legislation.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016