Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-10-13

In December last year the Country Liberal Party government signed a national agreement undertaking to review retail tenancy legislation. The Chamber of Commerce have indicated that they would like to be part of the review process in the Northern Territory where many retailers are vitally interested in this issue. The difficulty for the Chamber, and retailers, is that the Northern Territory is the only jurisdiction in Australia without any retail tenancies legislation at all. How will the minister meet the review obligations agreed to by all state and territories Small Business Ministers when the Northern Territory has absolutely nothing to review?


Madam Speaker, well I must say I haven’t exactly been rushed off my feet by ...

Ms Martin: It’s a disgrace.

Mr STONE: Oh, listen to it! This is all you’re good for - the odd interjection. You cannot even ask your own questions in the Chamber on areas that you are responsible for.

Madam Speaker, in response to the question, can I say that I have not exactly been rushed off my feet by a level of interest from the commercial sector ...

Mr Stirling: No one is talking to you these days.

Mr STONE: ... in relation to this ...

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr STONE: Let me tell the ‘Power of One’ there are more talking to me than talking to you, let me tell you that!
No doubt he was very pleased to get that news about the rents, since he is the beneficiary of part of that news since he occupies a dwelling . . .

Mrs HICKEY: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Mr Stone: Well, you just tell him to stop interjecting. It is as simple as that!

Mrs HICKEY: The Chief Minister has been asked a serious question. I ask you to direct him to answer it.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, would you please answer the question.

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, in fact it is the parliamentary secretary, Dr Lim, who has been passed the responsibility of review. In fact he spoke to me only yesterday about these reviews he has responsibility for, and I am quite sure that in the fullness of time he will be able to provide members with further information.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016