Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1999-04-21

Would the minister comment further on what the member for Wanguri alluded to earlier, the seniors’ village in Leanyer? I have a very similar development coming up in Coconut Grove, which I can assure honourable members is most welcomed, not only by me but by many of the older people in the area and others who intend to move in. Can the minister advise why the government considers the issue so important, and what is being done to answer any concerns?


Mr Speaker, I appreciate the question from the member for Millner. I know he has an interest in the area of senior citizens. He knows we have an obligation to provide more public housing for them, and he has been active in lobbying us to make sure that we can cater for some of the needs of these aged people out there - not like the member for Wanguri, who, in his ridiculous question, asked only about the planning process. Obviously, the member for Wanguri doesn’t care about the senior citizens in our community. He’s more concerned about the process, not the end result. And the end result is that we want to build a senior’s complex in Leanyer.

We all know there is a 6-year waiting list for these people to get public housing. We know there is growth in our ageing population. Why shouldn’t we be seeking the most suitable sites for these people? The member for Wanguri, unfortunately, has made it clear that he doesn’t agree with this development. He refers to it as being something like Kurringal.

Mr Stirling: He hasn’t said that at all!

Mrs BRAHAM: Well, let me quote him:

We’ve seen what’s happened at places like Kurringal and John Stokes Square and the old Mansions. The proposals nowadays ought to look at mixing Housing Commission developments in with private developments, so you don’t end up with the sort of problems that have occurred in these big developments.

He is implying that when you put seniors in a retirement village together you create problems. That’s a ridiculous attitude. He should ask the other members on his own side. A week before he came out with that statement, the member for Barkly was out there saying not enough was being done for senior Territorians ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: Oh, yes, you’re also on the public record. I will table a letter from you where you are saying ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mrs BRAHAM: The Leader of the Opposition said: ‘Supported aged housing is something that is needed in Darwin, and I believe that this idea should be supported’. You’re on record as saying that, and yet you have your member behind you actually going out and trying to stop a development in Leanyer. That is crazy! Why don’t you get your act together and all agree whether you support a seniors development or not?

We know suitable land for such complexes is in short supply in Darwin. We need land for these people that is close to a bus, close to shops, community services and facilities. The member for Wanguri will insist that all he did was take exception to some pink signs. The pink signs basically said we have 2 allotments that we need to amalgamate into one so that we can go ahead with this proposed development. And, contrary to what he also said, we’re not taking away park land from there. There are 14 lot numbers where parks are managed by the Darwin City Council.

This complex is going to be high-quality and low-density.

Mr Burke: Like Fairway Waters.

Mrs BRAHAM: There are only 52 units rather than the 70 there would be if it was a commercial development.

Mr Bailey: Fairway Waters is not a senior citizens complex.

Mr Burke: It’s right round the corner from where I live.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Minister for Housing has the floor.

Mrs BRAHAM: Have your conversation afterwards.

It will be nicely landscaped. It will include the huge, mature trees that are there. It will have parking. It will have a meeting area. It will be security fenced. It will be exclusively for housing seniors, and that is what this government is all about. It’s our commitment to make sure we provide housing for our senior population. This is part of our Housing 2003 strategy, that there will be affordable housing for those in need.

I think the members of the opposition should get behind us and start realising there’s a great need out in the community. Every time we come up with a concept and a proposal they should be supporting it, not saying to residents out there, the senior citizens, that you don’t want them on your patch. That’s basically what you’re saying.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016