Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1997-11-26

Can he confirm that Labor's attempt recently to mislead the Territory electorate over law and order has now been exposed by the complete about-turn on mandatory sentencing?


Madam Speaker, this is an important issue on which Territorians have a very strong view. I understand that, on today's 8DDD Morning Program, the Leader of the Opposition said that - for today at least, because she has chopped and changed her views on mandatory sentencing - the Labor Party is opposed to mandatory sentencing. She has continued to put that position by way of interjection in here this morning. It is important that Territorians who are listening to this broadcast should know that this is a very clear issue that divides Labor from the CLP, the Territory party. We stand by our mandatory sentencing legislation. I was interested to hear retiring magistrate James Hannon make comments yesterday in the media wherein he supported the legislation. I can only speculate why his views received such scant media attention. Had it been a retiring ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: Perhaps the member for Fannie Bay could be quiet for a moment. If a retiring magistrate had said that he was absolutely appalled and aghast at this legislation, I am sure that would have been the lead item on the ABC news and certainly would have been on the front page of the NT News.

Mr Stirling: It is a conspiracy!

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: Once again, some media outlets show their bias.

Mr Stirling: What?

Mr STONE: I just spelled them out for you, you dullard! You should listen, instead of interjecting for the sake of hearing your own noise.

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The CLP stands absolutely committed to mandatory sentencing. On the statistics to date, there is every indication that it is working well and that there has been a reduction in offences.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! The member for Nhulunbuy.

Mr STONE: I feel like we have had 3 years of this already. They have learned nothing.

The CLP stands by the legislation. We believe it is effective legislation. I say to Territorians that we will not stand by while these grubs break into their homes and their cars. We will not stand by and watch while their personal property is violated. Labor will, because Labor opposes mandatory sentencing.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: That is today. However, based on their performance to date, they are just as likely to change their minds tomorrow.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I ask the member for Stuart to cease his haranguing. He really is becoming very irritating. I ask him to listen to the answer. He seems to have a habit at the moment of going on and on.

Mr Toyne interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! You are doing it again. Be quiet.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016