Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-08-18

During a radio interview last Friday, the Chief Minister told Territorians 3 times that the cost of petrol would be cut under a goods and services tax. When asked to support his totally incorrect assertion that petrol would be 7 cheaper at the bowser, he told Territorians: ‘It was a specific question I asked the Prime Minister when we had our discussions and, indeed, it is in his package’.

Territorians now know the facts. The price of petrol at the bowser will not decrease by any amount. Indeed, for some the price will increase. Will the Chief Minister admit he misled Territorians, or does he stand by his claim that the Prime Minister told him that petrol at the bowser would be 7 cheaper?


Madam Speaker, the member for Arnhem may laugh but, if he had bothered to read the package, he would be able to work out for himself that what I stated …

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr STONE: If the member for Arnhem intends to interject continuously because he does not like the answer, I cannot help him.

The reality is that, with regard to diesel fuel, people in the tourism industry, people in business and people in the transport industry will be better off.

Mrs Hickey: At the bowser?

Mr STONE: Where do you think they get their petrol from - out of the sky? They get it from the bowser. This is the problem for Labor Party members. They have been presented with a package that means that, in real average terms, average Territorians will have more money in their pockets. I want Territorians listening to this broadcast to understand this. On calculations done by the Northern Territory Treasury, by the end of the tenth year, Territorians will have received …

Mr Bailey: We have to wait for 10 years.

Mr STONE: If the member for Wanguri would stop interjecting, Territorians would hear that an additional $350m will have been received into their funding base. If members opposite reckon that that is a bad deal for Territorians, they should ask Territorians what they think about it. Ask them!

Territorians are among the highest disposable income earners in Australia. In real terms, this package means money in the pockets of Territorians. This package means greater competitiveness for our export industries, and members know that the Territory thrives on its exports. Why is it that the Labor Party can only respond with carping criticism? Where is the plan of the Labor Party? Members opposite know the taxation system does not work for Territorians and for Australians generally. Yet, if a single constructive proposition is laid on the table, they have to criticise it.

We remember that Kim Beazley, as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, left us with a $9000m hole …

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: That was your side! Your side almost bankrupted the country! Now you have the gall to come in here and bag a package that will work for all Australians and that will certainly work for the Territory. I challenge members opposite to go out and tell members of the transport industry that they will not have to pay the same rates as they did before. Tell people in the tourism industry that they will be worse off – but they will not. They will be better off, the business community will be better off and Territorians will be better off.

Madam SPEAKER: Members of the opposition, I think you should restrain yourselves a little, particularly in the presence of visitors.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016