Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1999-04-21

The Chief Minister has said the community sees the Country Liberal Party as arrogant when it comes to making planning decisions. I refer him to the plan to build 52 units on vacant land in Leanyer and the radio statement of his minister for planning. The minister said that placing a pink planning sign on the Leanyer site ‘…alerted people to the fact that there was going to be some development. Obviously, that allows them to have their say. That’s the process in hand and how it works, and I think it works very well’.

The truth is - and the department has made this clear in a newsletter to residents - that community consultation is supposed to take place before the planning notice goes up. Will the Chief Minister show that the arrogant days are over and direct his minister to apologise to local residents for his misleading statement?


Mr Speaker, the minister detailed the process that is involved and rightly said it is a good process that allows full consultation with the public. I have the utmost faith in the process. We do have some changes to come through, particularly with regard to developments in the CBD. I will be announcing them in due course.

I agree in essence that the decisions of government need to be seen as decisions that are made where the public has had adequate input. We are not interested in the radical ideas of particular lobby groups. Certainly, they don’t change the direction of decisions of government. But the planning process is a good one. As the minister rightly said, the notice that went up was the beginning of the consultation that we’ve had, and that consultation in due course will result in submissions to the Planning Authority.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016