Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-10-15

Madam Speaker, the Chief Minister’s dismissal of Andrew Coward’s allegations merely by saying he did not like the man is not going to wash. Former Country Liberal Party boss and current federal Liberal MP, Gary Nairn, states that Andrew Coward played a key role in the Country Liberal Party’s operations. I seek leave to table a copy of Mr Nairn’s reference for Andrew Coward, which makes it very clear just how knowledgable this man is.

Leave granted.

Andrew Coward has stated that the Chief Minister now has in his possession a document titled How it’s Done - Creating andRunning a Clandestine Subsidy for the CountryLiberal Party from Within a Government Department. Will the Chief Minister make public this document and will he give a full explanation for the allegations that Mr Coward has raised?


Madam Speaker, the document that the Leader of the Opposition is referring to is in fact one of Andrew Coward’s nonsensical documents that he faxes all around this country. It is not a document that is within my department. I make the point again that Andrew Coward never worked for me. I removed him from the Office of Chief Minister. He never worked for me. I did not like the man. I did not trust the man. I treated him fairly and equitably, but he never worked for me.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016