Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1998-02-19

What progress has been made with the relocation and re-establishment of the accommodation services run by the Christian Outreach Centre in Darwin?


Madam Speaker, I am pleased to advise the House about the accommodation that is run by Anglicare and the upgrade of the accommodation that has taken place. With great pleasure, at lunchtime today, I shall hand over the keys to this upgraded accommodation for youth in crisis. The upgrade has come about through a grant provided under the crisis accommodation program. The units that have been upgraded were purchased originally by the Housing Commission in 1992. They were leased to Anglicare for the provision of the program of crisis accommodation for youth, and for some advocacy services as well. The work has resulted in a major facelift. As I said, I will inspect it today. The work, mainly on the interior, was overseen by the NT Construction Agency and involved local contractors.

Each year, about 100 young people from Darwin and the rural area seek crisis accommodation. This program focuses on those between 15 and 19 years

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of age. As we know, the program provides secure and affordable medium-term accommodation for those people, not only single people, but also couples and sometimes families. Those staying at the centre are offered a wide range of services to help them get back on their feet in their time of crisis, and to re-enter the general community.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Anglicare on the work that it does in this program, as well as the Housing Commission and the government for supporting the program. As I said, I look forward today to handing over the keys to the new units, and to following the work of the program in the future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016