Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-08-10

While big projects are important, a myriad small projects are vital to small contractors and their ability to maintain employment. The minister’s portfolio has a number of items on the capital works program in 2000-2001, including Alice Springs floodplain management, $250 000. What is the cash allocation? Zero. Katherine, upgrading the drains, $220 000. Cash allocation this year zero. Palmerston Town Centre stage 1, $500 000, cash allocation this year zero. Alice Springs, old jail redevelopment, $400 000, again zero cash allocation. Darwin Central, $500 000, another zero allocation. These program items have a combined value of $1.87m, but a cash allocation in 2000-2001 of zero. Is this not yet another example of CLP broken promises?


Mr Speaker, this is another attempt by the Leader of the Opposition to try to interpret the information that she is getting from her ex-Treasury employee. The budgetary process within my department will allow all of those projects that have been determined and highlighted in the budget handed down this year to be completed in the financial year that we are currently in. The budget process will allow for budget allocations and cash flow to come into the budget and those design programs that are in there will be implemented throughout the year.

The Leader of the Opposition talks of doom and gloom. It is incumbent on members of parliament to ensure that there is good information provided in this House. The more the Leader of the Opposition talks about recession, the more it is going to stick. But its going to stick to her name out there. The business community only yesterday were talking to me about the word that is coming out of Labor, the doom and gloom. They do not want to hear about any doom and gloom. They believe that, although things are a bit quiet at the moment, the future is looking very good. They cannot understand why the opposition continues to downplay what a vibrant economy we have in the Northern Territory with all of the projects that are on the go. She should be damned for continuing to spread that message among Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016