Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-04-21

The Secretary of the Department of the Chief Minister, the chief executive officer, is probably the most significant position in the Northern Territory Public Service and one of the most significant positions in the Northern Territory. It has been held over the years by some of the top public servants in this country. Given the fact that the current CEO is likely to be retiring in the near future, has the Chief Minister any plans to change the staffing of this position which, as I said, represents the pinnacle of the Northern Territory Public Service? This is a matter of serious interest to all public servants in the Territory.


Mr Speaker, as the honourable member rightly says, this is the most senior public service position in the Northern Territory, the head of the public service. I can announce today that the current head of the Department of Transport and Infrastructure, Mr Paul Tyrrell, will be the new CEO of the Department of the Chief Minister. He will replace one of the Northern Territory’s longest-serving public servants, Mr Col Fuller, who will retire as head of the Department of Chief Minister from 1 June 1999.

Mr Fuller has worked in government service in the Northern Territory for 30 years. He was one of the first public servants to transfer from the Commonwealth administration to the new Northern Territory government in 1978. He is an outstanding public servant by any Australian standard. For 17 years, he served as chief executive officer of all major infrastructure and business-oriented Northern Territory government departments. He has worked at the highest level of government to deliver the roads, bridges, national parks and other vital infrastructure which has contributed to the jobs and lifestyles we enjoy today.

Mr Paul Tyrrell is an engineer and economist who has served as a chief executive officer in the Northern Territory government for 10 years. As well as heading up the Department of Transport and Works, Mr Tyrrell has been instrumental in the development of the north Australia railway proposal over the past 4 years. Mr Tyrrell will retain responsibility for the railway project and other major infrastructure.

I put on the record my personal thanks to Mr Fuller for his outstanding contribution over many years. He has been wanting to retire for some time. The government keeps preventing him, calling him back to assist us with the Katherine flood and temporarily filling the position of CEO of the Department of the Chief Minister. He is an outstanding public servant and I value his contribution to the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016