Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1998-10-15

The international tourism market continues to show strong growth in the Northern Territory. What action is being taken to promote further tourism growth and to encourage NT operators in this vital market?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. It is very pleasing to be able to report to Territorians that, despite the downturn in tourism throughout Australia, and notwithstanding that domestic tourism is still relatively soft, international visitor nights, expenditure and numbers actually continued to grow in the Territory in 1997-98, and that is particularly from our markets in Europe and North America.

Over $5m has been allocated by the Northern Territory Tourist Commission to promote the Territory in the international marketplace in 1998-99, including support to encourage new operators and products and develop new markets through a new initiative - the International Marketing Support Scheme. This has worked very well, and it is important that Territorians understand that the tourism sector represents the largest employer in the Northern Territory and, after mining, is the greatest contributor of wealth creation to our economy.

The International Marketing Support Scheme has attracted 5 new Northern Territory operators into the international marketplace to promote new products and on 16 October this year operators visited Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam and London under the new scheme to introduce 3 of these new products. The scheme has also assisted some 10 Northern Territory operators with existing products into new market opportunities such as Italy and France. It is a matter of interest that the market out of Italy, in particular, continues to grow and is very strong.

Approximately $185 000 has been allocated for this purpose. In addition, several existing operators who normally attend the International Tourism Bourse in Berlin (ITB), which is the major international tourism trade show in Europe, have indicated possible non-attendance due to the financial constraints. Registration is billed in British pounds - a booth is 18 000 and single booth is 26 000. To enable these operators to sustain their commitment to the European market the commission has established a one-off financial support scheme of up to $5000 for ITB in 1999 to assist registration payment. I hope that members will support this initiative because when you look at the current exchange rates, particularly between the Australian dollar and the US dollar and the English pound, it can be seen that things are very difficult for people going offshore and marketing.

In a similar vein it is very difficult for the Tourist Commission to get the same effect with the dollar today that they were getting say 3 years ago. This initiative has been well received by the industry and the total cost to the commission will be in the order of $57 500.

The commission also held the inbound tour operators’ workshop in Darwin in September this year, with 40 Northern Territory operators participating and 20 inbound product managers to provide product into the international marketplace.

Our representatives overseas continue to represent the Territory well and continue to grow the tourism sector. It is, as I said before, the largest employer and the second largest economic sector within the Territory. It is good to see that, notwithstanding the trends in other parts of Australia, the Territory continues to grow the tourism market. That is a great credit, not only to the Tourist Commission and its hardworking staff, but also to the many operators who comprise that sector.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016