Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr REED - 1999-02-16

Mr REED (Treasurer): Mr Speaker, I have some supplementary information for the member for Nhulunbuy who asked a question in relation to property matters. Indeed, the honourable the Leader of the Opposition by way of interjection suggested it had been 8 months since that question was asked and no information provided. Can I just table for the benefit of honourable members, and I read into Hansard, a letter to Mr Stirling from myself:

Enclosed are the property leasing details for the Department of the Legislative Assembly and a copy of the Accounting and Property Manual for the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment as discussed during thecommittee stage of the Appropriation Bill debate last night.

That letter is dated 17 June 1998, demonstrating that I, in fact, provided to the honourable member, following his questions in the Appropriation debate, some information the very next day. I would ask honourable members to be a little bit more factual, and to not misrepresent the facts. I’m sure that the current minister for public employment will provide further information, if it is indeed outstanding. I table a copy of that letter together with a list of some information that I provided the honourable member in the letter.

Mr STIRLING (Nhulunbuy): A point of order, Mr Speaker! That correspondence never went anywhere near what was decided on the night of the Appropriation debate where the minister gave an undertaking that the opposition would be able to peruse the actual document.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order.

Mr STIRLING: It’s a misrepresentation that the question has been answered. It never was.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of order.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016