Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 1999-10-21

The minister this morning released a full and independent review conducted by Bob Collins on Aboriginal education in the Territory. I believe Mr Collins has pulled no punches in this review. Can the minister inform us what will be the government’s next step in this issue?


Mr Speaker, I again echo the fact that on such an important day as today it is a shame that we have to constantly drag some of these issues through the gutters as we are doing.

We have undergone, as part of the review of the Department of Education, a review of how we deliver services in Aboriginal education. Some of our trackwork in recent times, of course, was amalgamating all those functions within the department that sat in different directorships, that had to do with Aboriginal education. We have merged that all into one organisation to get a far more strategic focus on the delivery of education to Aboriginal Territorians than we ever have done in the past. That was one step and we have taken many since.

We will take another step today by releasing the report of former Senator Collins, one of the political colleagues of those on the other side of the fence. We’re doing that because we do take these issues seriously. We are prepared to admit that we need to have an honest, open and frank discussion about this. Again I ask the honourable members opposite to join with us in this. While I don’t want to pre-empt the report, what we will need to achieve significant improvement in outcomes from here on in is for everyone to be working together - the Territory government, the Commonwealth, stakeholders, including parents, and communities generally. And if we’re going to have the ALP constantly attempting to spoil an issue that I would have thought would have been very dear to their heart, to constantly politicise an issue that they claim to have as one of their major planks in their platform. I can’t say policy because they don’t have them, but we will today release the report.

Obviously, we don’t have a position on that report yet, simply because it’s early days - the report is only just before us. But I want to acknowledge the work done by Senator Collins. He is a man, of course, with a passion and a great interest in this area. He wants to make a difference. We on this side of the House certainly want to make a difference.

The terms of reference included the views and aspirations of Aboriginal parents, key issues affecting outcomes for Aboriginal children, and supportable actions for education outcome improvements. We want to make a difference. We will work in partnership. We simply say to the opposition, will you join us? Apparently not.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016