Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 2001-05-31

My question has to do with something that might actually create some real jobs in the Territory. This week we heard an announcement that the developers of the Sunrise gas project in the Timor Sea had signed a letter of intent with QNI Pty Ltd in Townsville for the purchase of Timor Sea gas. We have heard criticism in the past from Labor about this government’s lack of commitment to oil and gas developments. I must admit, I see this rather surprisingly stated. Can the minister advise the House of what potential benefits the Territory will gain from this announcement and future developments? I invite him to take the opportunity to outline some of the initiatives that he and this government are taking to maximise the benefits for the Northern Territory and to promote the development of this exciting new industry.


Mr Speaker, it is a very important question. I was delighted, as most members would have been, with the deal that has been struck on Timor Sea gas. I congratulate the parties on reaching this letter of intent. There are a number of hurdles that still need to be negotiated to convert this LOI into a sales and purchase agreement, but I certainly have every confidence in a successful outcome.

It was almost exactly two years ago to the day that I released this report. It is entitled Opportunities for Timor Sea Gas in the Northern Territory and Queensland. This was prepared by a consultant, Mr Max Kimber. Maybe I ought to apologise. I have used a term here which is obviously offensive to the opposition and in particular it’s leader because the term ‘consultant’ is one that the Leader of the Opposition, we all remember, has vowed to stamp out. Of course, she has not said how she would access the vital experience and talent that is possessed by experts. Maybe she is proposing another trip to Aberdeen that will turn her into an instant expert or something.

This particular LOI has come about as a result of work by a consultant. This report, and I table it, was commissioned by the Timor Sea Consultative Group. It is convened by government. Most of the Timor Sea project proponents, including Shell, Woodside and Phillips, are its members. The report found - and we are talking about two years ago - that there was excellent potential for Timor Sea gas into Queensland markets. Since that time the producers have been working very hard at marketing their gas to potential international and domestic customers and, similarly, this government, the CLP government, has worked very hard to spread the words ‘Timor Sea gas’ at government-to-government level and at every opportune industry gathering.

The Chief Minister has discussed this issue with the Premier of Queensland. I have discussed it with the Minister for Energy in Queensland. Both the Treasurer and myself had discussions with the previous Treasurer of Queensland. Remember, he was disgraced at a subsequent inquiry and is no longer in government. The Treasurer, the member for Katherine, and I had discussions and gave a very detailed briefing to the Queensland Treasurer about the potential of Timor Sea gas into Queensland. That effort is starting to pay off.

There certainly remains a lot to be done, but this new announcement is very much welcomed by the government. We see it as a reward for the collective effort of both government and industry. It means more jobs for kids, more jobs for future Territorians. These are things which would not happen if the ALP was in power because they have made it very clear that the use of consultants will not be entertained by them.

This is a clear example of an activity by government which has brought about a result which is going to create jobs and wealth. The Labor Party is definitely hell-bent on talking down the Territory. They are talking down these exciting new developments. They are talking down the enormous collective effort which is about to bear the most exquisite fruit. Remember the claims about lack of training? Lack of training and planning, the Leader of the Opposition said. Lo and behold! We have heard details of the work being done in regards to training.

We even have an agreement signed now with East Timor and the federal government to provide training for the East Timorese. What did we have the other week? Criticism by the ALP about our efforts to ensure that the Timor Sea treaty is successfully completed. Knocked us - ‘Do not have a bar of it. Do not fight for Territorians,’ is what the ALP says. They are hopeless. The community knows it. The ability to create jobs in the Territory is something that they work against, but this CLP government will continue and there is a lot of excitement to come yet.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016