Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1997-11-26

Does the Minister for Health require all appointments of surgeons and physicians to the hospitals of the Territory to be personally approved by himself and, if not, why not? Will be giving himself this power in the near future?


Madam Speaker, that is simply a hit below the belt. The question is not directed at me, and I think it is most unfair. What I can say is that, in a space of 4 years, there has been a remarkable increase of specialist services in the Northern Territory, particularly at Royal Darwin Hospital. It has been one of my aims, promulgated very strongly to my department, that the catchcry of `when in pain catch a plane' should disappear. We have excellent specialist services and we are trying to get the good stories up. Those specialist services come at a cost, but certainly we are moving strongly in the direction of having Territorians treated in the Northern Territory by Territorians. Decisions on the calibre of people who are recruited are something that I leave to the hospital management. However, I am consulted very closely on each and every appointment.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016