Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1998-08-19

A GST would be bad news for the Territory’s tourist industry. It would cut domestic tourism. Domestic air fares would be slugged, accommodation would be slugged and eating out would be slugged. A GST would make overseas holidays financially more attractive to potential travellers to the Territory. Does the minister accept that a GST would hurt our tourism industry? Will he stop promoting the interests of John Howard and start promoting the industry which provides thousands of Territory jobs?

Ms Martin: Good question!


Madam Speaker, it is a good question. It was asked of me yesterday, but members obviously did not hear the answer.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: If the member for Wanguri and the member for Fannie Bay would be quiet, I might get on with my answer now. I defend this package because it works for the tourist industry. As I explained yesterday, it is quite obvious that it works. First, it leads to the removal of the tourism marketing duty, or ‘bed tax’ as it is sometimes called. That will go. We will continue to fund the regional tourist associations to ensure that Partnership NT ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: It is very difficult. I know Territorians are trying to hear the answer. The member for Wanguri interjects constantly.

Madam SPEAKER: I do not know whether members are aware that all the microphones are on. Every comment that you make in your seat is also transmitted through to the radio. I suggest that you allow the Chief Minister to answer in silence. Territorians have been complaining about the radio reception at Question Time. They are finding it very difficult to hear ministers’ replies.

Mr Bailey: We are trying to get the truth on the record, Madam Speaker.

Mr Stone: He even interjects when you are speaking, Madam Speaker.

Madam SPEAKER: Yes, I have noticed that.

Mr STONE: With the TMD or bed tax removed, we will continue to support the regional tourist associations through Partnership NT. We will continue to work very closely to ensure that we maximise both our domestic and our overseas tourism.

This tax package guarantees that 81% of Australian taxpayers will be on a rate of 30 in the dollar or less, which means more money in their pockets. If Australians have more money in their pockets, new opportunities will be opened to them, including opportunities for travel. There is no doubt in my mind that the Territory, which represents the real outback of Australia, will be able to capitalise on this. Further, as I pointed out yesterday, regard must be paid to the diesel fuel rebate and the percentage of tax coming off motor vehicles. People should look at the taxes that are being removed. All this affects the bottom line for our tourism operators. Australians generally will have more money in their pockets. More tourists will come to the Territory because they will have the capacity to travel, and it will work well for the industry.

I reiterate the words of my colleague the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Development. Go and find out about the package. Don’t be scared by the politicians. Don’t take their word. Territorians do not have to take mine. Don’t take the opposition’s word either. Take time, get hold of the package and make your own assessment. Don’t be bullied by the Labor Party and its mates in Canberra into believing this will not work for you.

What a spectacle it was on television last night - Gareth Evans, after a week of sledging the package, finally saying: ‘I had better try to find out something about this’. Does the opposition think that does not register with Australians? That takes me back to the 67-year old lady who said: ‘How fair dinkum is the Labor Party? They walked straight out onto the street and sledged it without even trying to find out about it’.

Australians have a unique window of opportunity here, whether they are in the tourism industry or other service industries, or are simply wage earners. As I said before, 81% of Australian taxpayers will be on a rate of 30 in the dollar or less. The package will deliver an additional $350m into our funding base in the first 10 years. Territorians know what that means.

Ms Martin: Middle and lower income earners will suffer. Listen to ACOSS today.

Mr STONE: The member for Fannie Bay says that we are going to suffer. All that I am suffering from at the moment is her constant interjections. The reality is that Territorians are better off under this package.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016