Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2000-10-17

My question relates to the Alice Springs to Darwin railway project. This railway has to be a concrete job strategy. I ask the minister for information about training programs to maximise Territory jobs in the construction phase of the project, especially in Katherine and Tennant Creek.


Mr Speaker, it takes a while to cut through the cackle sometimes, but NTETA has been working very hard and in conjunction with my colleague, the Minster for Industries and Business, we have developed not a paper project but a real project. This is real jobs for Territorians and to go with this is a strategy recently outlined by my colleague, the Minister for Industries and Business, and we backed that up with comprehensive training programs to make sure we can cover it.

The training programs have been throughout the Northern Territory in Tennant Creek, Darwin, Katherine, and Alice Springs, and they have been well attended. They have been training people in work placement areas, driver training, plant operator training, catering training and a variety of other jobs and they have been adequately funded through my department, NTETA. We work hand in glove with industries and business, with the railway corporation and also with the land councils to deliver real outcomes for indigenous Territorians.

We will continue to fund and offer training and purchase training on their behalf to ensure prosperity for all Territorians and I wish the Chief Minister congratulations for his part in achieving this historic project despite the nonsense and the cackle that comes from the other side.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016