Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-02-23

The Deputy Chief Minister and Treasurer alleges, and we heard him this morning, that CDEP participants are not unemployed - they are in fact employees. This is nonsense, Mr Speaker. They do not receive any recreation, sick or long service leave. They do not receive any superannuation. They are not covered by industrial awards. I ask the minister why does the Country Liberal Party continue to claim the credit for CDEP recipients being in employment, when in truth they are working for the dole?


Mr Speaker, I am surprised that the Leader of the Opposition casts aspersions on this particular program that has been received so widely and is so actively encouraged by Aboriginal communities. They see the benefits of these programs. They see that their members are achieving something on projects that are of benefit to the whole community. I am not sure why they should start bagging the fact that these people are willing to work in the CDEP programs, which basically they receive the benefit of.

I think the Treasurer has adequately explained the way the unemployment figures have been resolved. The Leader of the Opposition is ignoring the fact that the CDEP programs in Aboriginal communities are one of the best things that has happened to them. I am quite sure that the way that they have developed and grown over the years is a good indication that Aboriginal people actually support them in all ways.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016