Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1999-02-18

My question concerns the South Alligator bridge. Can the minister tell us when works will start to restore this link to Kakadu and how long it is expected to take?


Mr Speaker, as honourable members will be aware we have carried out tests on the South Alligator River bridge and the bridge was found to be wanting structurally. In fact, it had suffered a similar fate to the Adelaide River bridge and a large construction or reconstruction job now has to be undertaken to right the structural damage that has been caused over the years by corrosion and erosion. The bridge, of course, has to remain open for the Easter traffic in particular and for the fishermen travelling out into that area. However, there has been already a cost blow-out in the price of fixing it, which is not absolutely substantial, but there is an increase in the dollars which will be required from the original $3m which was quoted to fix the bridge. I am not sure if I’ve answered the member’s questions specifically enough because unfortunately I was distracted. But if he would like a more in depth briefing on it, I will do so.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016