Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-02-25

Yesterday, the minister announced his intention to introduce a code of student behaviour for all Territory public schools. However, Labor’s spokesman says teachers should deal with school discipline matters alone. Can he explain to Territorians why this government intends to introduce this code?


Mr Speaker, I admit it was a bewildering situation last night to see the reaction from the opposition spokesperson to an announcement that has received, effectively, almost total, universal support in the Northern Territory so far. In fact, I would like to place on the record my appreciation for the very positive and constructive feedback that we have received so far on what I think is a very worthwhile step that I intend to see us take.

For the opposition spokesperson to be claiming that this sort of thing is dictating to teachers is totally dishonest for the intent of this situation – it is not what we are on about. I certainly intend to see this through and to put in place a core set of values that we, as a society, say is a minimum accepted standard, and there is nothing unreasonable in that. As a society we are used to standards, we are used to expectations being placed on us, and in no way are we looking at putting any dictates on teachers. It is simply a case, again, where the member is being dishonest and muddying the waters on a process that is very proactive and is receiving broad support particularly within the teaching profession.

Mr Stirling: A point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: There is a point of order. You cannot infer dishonesty on the part of the member.

Mr Stirling: You are unequivocally wrong.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is a point of order and I have ruled. Would you withdraw the comment.

Mr ADAMSON: Certainly, Mr Speaker, but if I am to withdraw the ‘dishonest’ part, I will simply say that the member has totally misrepresented the situation and once again it is a bald-faced misrepresentation of the facts.

Mr Stirling: A point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order in relation to that.

Mr ADAMSON: We are not in any way trying to dictate to teachers. It is simply untrue. He has portrayed this yet again in an incorrect light and I place on record my appreciation to the people who have offered to work through this code of conduct with me. This is, I think, a very positive move in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016