Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STONE - 1999-10-20

I note that commercial developments are to commence shortly on Myilly Point, which I welcome as the local member. Can the minister inform members of the scope of those developments and the likely economic growth they will foster in the construction sector?


Mr Speaker, I appreciate the question. It gives me an opportunity to update members of the House and Territorians listening as to what is actually happening at Myilly Point with regard to development and, as the member for Port Darwin said, the economic spin-offs for the Northern Territory.

Members would be aware that, following the extensive public expression-of-interest process and following offers of land, a number of proponents were chosen to carry out developments at Myilly Point. The first was the Brunei Development Co in conjunction with the Hannon group. I believe they will go to tender very soon for the construction of an 8-storey residential apartment building on their block. That complex when originally proposed was a 12-storey building but, following the Planning Authority hearings and a number of applications to those hearings, that development has been reduced in height to 8 storeys and has been approved by the Planning Authority. It is important to note that the Planning Authority asked for some design modifications, taking on board concerns expressed by people in the neighbouring vicinity. The overall development will cost in the vicinity of $18m and I am advised that, with a tender let by this Christmas, developers believe that the complex will be completed by Christmas 2000.

Adjacent to that block is the development proposed by the Moran nursing home group. The first stage of that development is expected to commence in the first quarter of next year and also to be completed by the end of next year. The stage 1 development is still to proceed through the Planning Authority process. The proposal is for an 80-room nursing home on 2 levels, plus a number of self-care units that are expected to occupy 2 storeys. We’re talking some $15m-worth of development there.

Importantly, it’s worth noting that the Moran group is currently Australia’s largest private employer, with 10 000 personnel. It is estimated that some 200 staff will be employed at its Myilly Point nursing home and retirement complex once it is fully completed. That’s great news for the Northern Territory - more jobs and certainly more stimulation for the economy. It will be a world-class facility featuring centralised security, the full range of on-site health care, audio communication between individual rooms and a central reception area, leisure facilities and certainly a very, very skilled nursing centre.

While I am on my feet, I will also give an update on the 2 Mile development, which was put out to expressions of interest at the same time as the Myilly Point precinct developments. We now have a project going on there. As those Territorians who drive past the 2 Mile will know, there is a housing development being undertaken as we speak. Named Parap Grove, it will contain 113 home sites – no unit sites - and titles are expected to be ready for release early next year. I’m advised that a high level of interest has been expressed in those sites, not only from private Territorians but also from agencies including the Defence Housing Authority, which is inquiring about purchasing a number of those blocks. That project will have an expected yield at the end of the development of some $40m in total gross development.

The same developer, the Blake property group, is also developing a light-to-medium industrial site at College Road in Berrimah. Twenty industrial sites are expected to be turned off in stage 1 of that development. Interest is once again very, very high.

The government is also continuing its discussions with preferred proponents of developments of other blocks of land in the Myilly Point precinct. Hopefully, we’ll have some announcements on those blocks in the very near future.

Considering all of these projects combined, the strategic release by the Northern Territory government of Crown land is certainly good for Territorians, not only for the jobs that are generated but also, certainly, in the way it stimulates the economy. It’s good news all round for the stimulation of a vibrant economy in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016