Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 1997-11-27

Yesterday, in answer to a question on the pilot scheme to underground power in Nightcliff, the minister indicated that, following the completion of the undergrounding of power in 2 streets, there will be an assessment for consideration by budget Cabinet to fund the undergrounding of power throughout Darwin. While I have no problem with the undergrounding of power throughout Darwin - I believe it is a good thing to anticipate - it is a very costly exercise. I remind the minister of the number of people throughout the Territory, including significant numbers in the Goyder electorate, who have no grid power at all and who have applied for power. There is a difficulty in funding those projects unless there are substantial contributions from the government. Will the minister give equal but prior consideration for the funding of power to places such as Dundee and Camp Creek?


Mr Speaker - Madam Speaker, my apologies. When I saw you the other day with your blonde wig, I almost thought I should refer to you as 'Girly Spice'.

Madam SPEAKER: Can I raise a point of order?

Mr POOLE: I appreciate the sincerity of the question raised by the member for Goyder. I am very conscious of the fact that a number of areas in his electorate and areas in other parts of the Territory are waiting to be connected to power. Unfortunately, the Power and Water Authority is required to operate on a commercial basis. The problem lies with the pursuit of cost-efficiency and the recovery of the full cost of laying cables and overhead lines to provide the services. The cost of supplying power to Dundee Beach and those areas would be some $9.4m. It will not become economical until about 800 people are able to connect to the system.

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We have employed a consultant to undertake a land-use objectives study for the entire peninsula. I will receive the results of that study in April 1998. I undertake that we will give exactly the same priority to the good people of the Finniss Peninsula as we give to the consideration of provision of underground cabling to the city of Darwin, on a cost basis.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016