Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2001-07-05

Despite a near doubling in the Darwin regional population since 1984 there has been no commensurate increase in staffing levels for the fire services of the region.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STIRLING: I can shout over him, Mr Speaker, it doesn’t hurt my voice.

Among the litany of problems facing fire officers: levels of staffing that are lower than nationally accepted standards; for equipment operated, a threat to occupational health and safety; no permanent manning of the Humpty Doo Fire Station except on days when the fire danger index exceeds 38; the transfer of staff to the southern region due to inadequate staffing levels to accommodate leave requirements in Alice Springs and Yulara; and unworkable rosters that mean they cannot acquit their leave entitlements. Minister, why are Territorians’ lives and properties put at risk by lower levels of service than interstate? Why can’t our fire service get the number of staff necessary to provide these services without jeopardising the health and wellbeing of our fire officers?


If these are matters of particular concern to the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, you might have thought that he would have sought a briefing from the head of the fire service or the Commissioner of Police and head of the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Services because that would clearly demonstrate that he has a deep-seated concern in relation to these matters and that he would have pursued every avenue to be able to fully informed as to what the circumstances are. He has not done that.

Mr Stirling: No staff increases in 20 years.

Mr REED: It is no good trying to shout me down because you are only pursuing some theatrical approach to this and trying to look like you are being proactive when, in fact, you have taken no action to, as a member of parliament and as the shadow spokesman.; You can get a briefing from the head of the fire service or the commissioner at a moment’s notice if you want it and if you are really sincere about these issues.

These are matters that are closely pursued by the head of the fire service and by the Police Commissioner. In terms of the doubling of the population, I am pleased to see that we now have another contradiction from a member of the Labor Party who is now crossing the view of their boss. The Leader of the Opposition has many times told us that the population is in decline. Now today we are told we’re experiencing wonderful population rates to the extent that it has doubled and, of course, that growth continues. So, the Leader of the Opposition might want to take that up with her deputy in relation the complication that you both have in relation to what is happening to the population.

The fire service, I expect if the members have particular concerns in relation to these matters, I would hope that they would have or will, take them up with the management. In the event that they do, I think that they would be well heard.

Mr Stirling: They have expressed no confidence in them!

Mr REED: Given your lack of confidence in your ability to pursue this matter and the fact that you have not even sought a briefing on it - your laziness is clearly demonstrated by that - and together with the lack of sincerity - because if you were sincere about this matter, you would have a full and detailed briefing so that you could pursue it in a fully informed way. You have not done that. You have not even sought a briefing in relation to that and I would suggest if you want to pursue this matter, you do it in a much more sincere and dedicated and, even if it takes a bit of effort, way.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016