Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1998-10-08

My question concerns fish feeding - not at Doctors Gully but at Stokes Hill Wharf, at the eatery there. It is a very popular spot. Can the minister tell us what measures are being taken to protect the large fish which are gathering around there?


Madam Speaker, I was astonished to read in the NT News a couple of months ago of a local person spearfishing in the vicinity of Iron Ore Wharf and claiming proudly of taking an 18.2 kg barramundi. The fish around the wharf have become something of a tourist attraction, especially at night near the Stokes Hill Wharf eatery - not only for tourists but for locals alike, as many families enjoy going down and feeding those fish, having a look at them and just admiring the animal and its natural beauty in its natural state.

Having seen that particular article, I have directed the fisheries division to extend the closed area around the wharves to include not only Stokes Hill Wharf but also Iron Ore Wharf and Fort Hill Wharf. I believe that if people want to continue using power-assisted spears in the pursuit of fish, they could indeed do so - perhaps downstream of the barrage at Shady Camp - and turn it into a spectator sport. At least that would give the fish an even, fighting chance. But I will not entertain people going down around the wharf area, taking otherwise trusting and unsuspicious fish for some reason of personal self-gratification or glorification. As I said, we will be closing that entire area off to spearfishing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016