Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1999-04-27

Many Top End communities were severely affected by Cyclone Thelma. Council resources at Pirlangimpi, Nguiu, Minjilang, Milikapiti, Warruwi and other places were severely damaged. These places are still waiting for the government to come through with compensation. Why has there been such a long wait?


Mr Speaker, I do thank the member for his question. He will be very pleased to know that there has been allocated some additional funding for the damage done by Cyclone Thelma to a number of communities. I have to admit that, off the top of my head, I can't remember which ones they are, but if he’d like to contact my office, I’m only too willing to go through those with him.

The government is well aware that there was damage, and not just in Katherine and some of the other close communities. Certainly the roads and many of the outlying communities were severely damaged and government has taken it upon itself in this year’s budget to actually provide funding to correct some of the things that occurred. If the member would like to contact me later on in the day, we’ll put you in touch and let you know exactly where that funding is going.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016