Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-02-17

Given that the Labor Party has now reversed its stance on changes to the Parliamentary Superannuation Scheme, is there any way that members of this parliament can opt out of the scheme?


Mr Speaker, the closing words of the Leader of the Opposition’s statement yesterday were: ‘I am going to listen’. I share those sentiments, because I am certainly going to listen also. The Leader of the Opposition said this morning on 8DDD that she was the leader now and that this is Labor’s position. She was referring to Labor sentiments in relation to the changes to the superannuation legislation that are to go through parliament this sittings.

It is worth reflecting and putting on the record that I, as Chief Minister, carry this legislation into the Assembly on behalf of the parliament. I do not carry it on behalf of the government, which is what the ALP are suggesting. The legislation that we are bringing before parliament is legislation that was agreed to by the Superannuation Board.

The Leader of the Opposition said that this only happened a couple of months ago – in fact, the Superannuation Board met last August. I would imagine that the Leader of the Opposition at that time, who was the member for Barkly, would have caucused her own colleagues to get agreement on that legislation. In fact she did, and that was the message that was translated back to this side of the House - that there was complete agreement from the other side with the changes that were going through in this legislation. That is the reason that I carry it through now as the Chief Minister. That needs to be understood by everyone.

However, I am here to listen also, and I am prepared to listen to the sentiments of the new leader. The message is ‘Clare’, not only to the electorate, but also to her own colleagues. They should understand that the message is now ‘Clare’, and Clare wants to get out. She wants to get out of our superannuation scheme. She reckons it is no good, and I am assuming that she has the support of her own caucus. Here is a simple challenge. It takes a minor legislative amendment to enable you to leave this scheme and join the public service scheme. It is a simple legislative amendment and I will ensure, if you want, that we work up that legislation in draft and we present it and even pass it through urgently in these sittings. Is that alright?

Members interjecting.

Ms Martin: Who is going to join us? Come on, who’s going to join us?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: Mr Speaker, I cannot be fairer. No one could say that I could be fairer than that.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr BURKE: I want to see you put your money where your mouth is, because I think you are a false prophet.

Ms Martin: No!

Mr Coulter: You have the other 5 people beside you there terrified.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! This is a serious matter and I would ask members to hear the Chief Minister in reasonable silence.

Mr BURKE: I am approaching the matter seriously and, I think, extremely fairly. I imagine, because that is the stated position, that there is complete agreement from the opposition and they would vote for this minor legislative change. They certainly would have the support of this side of the House if they wished to leave the superannuation scheme that is in place at the moment and we can assist them into the government NTGPASS scheme. That’s the challenge.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: Let us get down to substance, because the business of government is serious. If you think this scheme is a dishonest one, or if it is unfair, put your money where your mouth is and talk with your colleagues …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: I think we will go one step further. We won’t even wait for the legislation to be passed. I will get the forms prepared so that they can sign the forms to make it retrospective from tomorrow. You go out to Territorians and you say that you are out of here and then I will start taking you seriously with regard to your concerns about our scheme.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016