Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-02-25

With the growth and development occurring in the Northern Territory and very strong prospects for positive economic growth in the future, there is a concern to ensure that there is going to be adequate industrial land available for development of industry in the Darwin area. Can the minister advise what plans are in place in the Berrimah, East Arm Port and Trade Development Zone area to provide for future land availability so that industry will not be constrained because of the lack of land to build business in?


Mr Speaker, this is certainly a day of land releases. This time it is for the business sector of Darwin and to support them and our economy. 6 industrial blocks, approximately 2 hectares each in size, will be released along the Tivendale ...

Mr Coulter: Wishart Road.

Mr BALDWIN: … Wishart Road area in the Berrimah area. The location is ideal not only to service the new port, as the member for Nightcliff said, but also the Trade Development Zone and the Hudson Creek industrial area. These lots are due to be auctioned later on this year, in the not too distant future, in fact in May, and all the blocks have been serviced with water and electricity. I expect the bidding for these blocks to be very fierce. This is industrial development in the right place. This is business, this is growth. This is great for the Northern Territory and I’m sure that they’ll add to our buoyant economy.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016