Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2001-06-05

Yesterday, we saw the Supreme Court hand down a sentence for a fellow who was involved in a car rebirthing scheme. What is the Northern Territory doing to prevent such rebirthing schemes operating in the Northern Territory into the future?


Mr Speaker, as honourable members would know the rebirthing of vehicles has been of some concern to government, and governments of all jurisdictions in Australia, for some time.

Some years ago the Northern Territory, along with the other jurisdictions, entered into the National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System called NEVDIS where we have a centralised core of information that is bought up in the registration systems about vehicles and drivers. As a result of concerns not only in the Northern Territory but in other jurisdictions about the rebirthing of vehicles, the government has decided to include all written-off vehicle information on that register.

As of next month the Northern Territory will be the first jurisdiction providing such information onto the NEVDIS system. We understand that by the end of the year all jurisdictions will be providing that information onto the NEVDIS system so that people buying a used vehicle can be assured it is not a rebirth, it is not using false identification numbers be they compliance plates, engine numbers etc. Those persons who have suffered from vehicles being stolen for the purposes of rebirthing can also sleep confidently that this ability from organised car rackets will be stamped out.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016