Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 2000-05-17

I believe there will be some maintenance going on at the Bagot Road overpass shortly. Could the minister outline plans on that? Could he also give information with regard to the Totem Road/Bagot Road intersection and where the infrastructure development will be taking place, where they are at now, and when we can expect something in that area?


Mr Speaker, Iwill go to the second part of the question first. In relation to Totem Road, we are currently having discussions with the Airports Corporation in relation to their requirements for access to and from the airport, and any developments around the Totem Road intersection obviously will have to take account of land development within the airport lease. As I said, we are currently discussing with that corporation the various options for accessing the lease and accessing the proposed commercial developments they have there. I can assure the member for Millner we have not forgot his problem but we are ensuring that in the future planning for access to and from the airport and to and from McMillans and/or Bagot Road, is done in a coordinated manner with view to the long term.

In relation to the maintenance on Bagot Road, I inform the public that from 10.00 am on Saturday 10 June, being the Queen’s Birthday Weekend, till 4.00 am on Tuesday 14 June, the Bagot Road overpass will be shut to traffic. The reason for doing that is we need to undertake maintenance on the expansion joint within that overpass. As you can imagine, it is a bit old and subject to certain wear. By way of example, some time ago on the Elizabeth River Bridge the expansion joint was loosened and came up in the air and in fact tore the tyres off one vehicle and took out a sump. So, there is a need to repair that. It is impractical to try and repair that whilst the bridge is being trafficked.

It is our intention to close that road, as I said, from 10.00am Saturday 6 June through till 4.00am on the Tuesday following the Queen’s Birthday Weekend. Obviously it will affect quite a number of people from the northern suburbs. However, the traffic flows over that overpass on weekdays are about 18 000 vehicles, on Saturdays it is 14 000, and on Sunday’s about 10 000 vehicles. We have timed it to cause the minimum disruption. It is quite likely that the job won’t take that long and it is quite likely that we will be able to reopen that overpass early. However, we have announced those times to give us ample time to make sure that the epoxy sets properly and we do the job properly. It would be a bit silly to say that we could do it in 24 hours and then have to extend the closure. Rather, we have the closure from 10.00 am Saturday to 4.00 am Tuesday morning. Hopefully we will complete that work sooner than that.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016