Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 1998-04-30

The Northern Territory boasts a vibrant and diverse artistic community. Many Territorian artists, across the range of artistic endeavour, have made names for themselves both nationally and internationally. I expect that the minister has his finger on the pulse of Territory arts and is aware of the activities of our talented range of artists. What recognition are our artists receiving in the national and international arenas?


Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to respond to this question because some very exciting things are happening today. A local group, Drum Drum, which should be well known to all members, is appearing at the Seachange Festival, which is the official opening of the Second Olympic Arts Festival in Sydney. The Seachange Festival is being opened by Mr Juan Antonio Samaranche, the president of the International Olympic Committee, and Drum Drum has the honour of escorting Mr Samaranche to the podium.

The group has a high profile here. It is an active group. Mrs Errie Ingram, Mr John Ingram and their children play a very active part in the Drum Drum group. It has been supported by the government, and it will continue to be supported by the government because it is an example of the way Territory artists are getting out and doing a job at an international level. I congratulate the members of

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the group. I think it is a very proud moment for Territorians to have Drum Drum right at the forefront of the international stage in Sydney today.

Members: Hear, hear!

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016