Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1997-12-02

My home is on the edge of the Leanyer Swamp which is a lovely place to live ...

Mr Bailey: It looks like it too!

Members interjecting.

Mr DUNHAM: ... with one exception ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr DUNHAM: It is a lovely place to live, with one exception.

Members interjecting.

Mr DUNHAM: I will get it out.

Mr Bailey: We have seen the movie.

Mr DUNHAM: Thank you, John!

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Wanguri.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I think that is enough.

Mr DUNHAM: Periodically ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Drysdale, please resume your seat for a moment. I put the member for Wanguri on notice. He will remain quiet while questions are being asked.

Mr DUNHAM: Periodically, there are plagues of mosquitoes. I am aware of the good work that has been done by Territory Health Services in spraying larvicide to ameliorate the pest risk and also the risk of mosquito-borne viral disease. What is the minister’s department doing to combat the current mosquito plague?


Madam Speaker, I know that the member for Drysdale, like others who live in the northern suburbs, is concerned about the reports of increasing mosquito problems in the area. Territory Health Services has done extensive work, including additional sprayings, in the last month or so. I believe that some $85 000 has been spent by it to combat some of the problems. The Parks and Wildlife Commission has been doing its own work. It has an ongoing program throughout the year involving spraying in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve area which extends from Rapid Creek to Lee Point. This area is covered by backpack spraying and spraying from quad bikes in the reserve itself.

I am delighted to announce an additional line of attack. In this financial year’s capital works program, the Parks and Wildlife Commission has an additional $200 000 to spend to drain and reclaim the sandpits in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve area. This is seen as another means of combating the problem. Obviously, mosquito larvae are breeding in the mining area there. We intend to take advantage of the tides and weather in the very near future to progress that program. We have spent $40 000 to date. I am informed that weather conditions will be suitable within the next month or so. I look forward to that work being carried out to

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alleviate the problems experienced in the northern suburbs.

I should say also, as a responsible parent, that one cannot beat the advice that is offered currently by Territory Health Services, and that is ...

Mr Bailey: Lock up your children otherwise Mike Reed might ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: That is typical of the member for Wanguri. This affects his electorate, and he is not even interested.

The advice given by Territory Health Services is very good: when children are outside playing, ensure that they are covered up and protected. This government is pro-active about alleviating the problems and those future works will be a part of that.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016