Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BURKE - 2001-02-20

Mr BURKE (Chief Minister): Mr Speaker, I have some information for the member for Braitling.

I understand she began a question by suggesting that the person the Chief Minister’s office rents accommodation in Alice Springs from is a CLP supporter. I put on the record that the Legislative Assembly, Mr Speaker, through your office, rents the office of the member for Braitling from that same individual. So I reject and take umbrage at that. If the member for Braitling wants to hop up on some moral high ground and suggest something untoward by this government, I just say that she has never expressed any suggestions along those lines about her own office in the past.

The situation is that for some time that small office in Alice Springs has accommodated also Major Events and we’ve been looking for the opportunity to shed one part of the office and extend in another area. The landlord is currently giving us part of that accommodation for free while those changes are occurring. When a vacancy in the premises that adjoined my office came along, the Department of the Chief Minister took the opportunity to take that lease while it was vacant. As I said, in return for that, part of my current lease is being provided at no cost for Major Events. Planning is under way to redesign the office using that new leased area.

I understand the substance of her question is: why the delay because this unoccupied office is being rented and not being occupied? I understand there is an issue with the planning of the airconditioning. That is being looked at by the engineers in terms of finalising the plans around the issue of airconditioning. Once that is resolved, the area will be redesigned and occupied, and the existing area will be given back to the landlord.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016