Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-04-23

I refer to correspondence sent by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition in relation to his responsibilities. Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table a copy of that letter.

Leave granted.

Ms MARTIN: The Parliamentary Secretary wrote:

Thank you for your letter of inquiry. In it, you asked what areas of responsibility I have as Cabinet Secretary.
In response, I advise that, as Parliamentary Secretary to Cabinet, I serve proceedings of Cabinet. As you
know, proceedings of Cabinet are confidential and, accordingly, I am not able to provide any details.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Lim.

What facilities have taxpayers provided to the Parliamentary Secretary to undertake his secret duties? Will the Parliamentary Secretary, who refers to himself as 'Greatorex's voice', explain to taxpayers why he is so proud to place on his letterhead these seemingly important titles, but has no voice when it comes to telling taxpayers what he does?

Mr Stone: He doesn't get paid for doing this.


Madam Speaker, to pick up the Chief Minister's interjection, I do not get paid at all for this. The taxpayer of the Northern Territory provides me with travel to Darwin where I attend Cabinet meetings. I liaise with the Cabinet secretariat to look after the business of Cabinet, and that is it. As you well know, I may speak about nothing that happens in Cabinet. The opposition has simply to be satisfied with my written response.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016