Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1999-04-27

Can the minister advise what action has been taken since the Chief Minister advised the Legislative Assembly on 16 February that a review of the powers of consumer affairs would be undertaken?


Mr Speaker,I can certainly do that, and I thank the member for his question. I can tell the member, and this House, that a review into the powers and the functions, performance and the profile of the Consumer Affairs Office has commenced.

I’ve already conducted meetings with the NT Business Council and the Motor Trades Association and discussed the need for a more prominent and more focused Consumer Affairs Office. Business associations certainly want to ensure that their members are providing a quality service to consumers and are keen to see standards and ethical trade practices encouraged and enforced further.

The Consumer Affairs Office currently administers 10 acts and related regulations. The review of that office will entail an examination of those acts and legislation and the appropriateness of those, to provide a focus on the more prominent role that I hope can be performed, and I know that can be performed.

The review has commenced under new organisational arrangements within the Department of Industries and Business and further to that, a new position of Director of Consumer Affairs and Business Affairs has been created to provide the extra profile. Further action has been to advertise for the appointment of a new Consumer Council, prepare a revamped Consumer Affairs Council newsletter and instigate regular meetings with industry associations, including ongoing meetings with the Motor Trades Association.

As the Chief Minister announced today, part of that process has been to prepare a draft tenancies bill which will be introduced into the sittings later this week.

Certainly, in relation to public awareness and profile, there is much that can be done and I am pleased to inform members that a number of new initiatives are already under way. They are that the consumer inquiry line will now operate on weekends, and advertisements will appear shortly advising Territorians of that 7 day service. There will be a regular and publicised presence of consumer affairs officers at all the regional centres, including starting next month, in Nhulunbuy, Tennant Creek and Katherine.

A lot is happening, and I hope to take the results of that review to Cabinet later this year. We will see a greatly enhanced service to Territorians in the consumer affairs field.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016