Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 1998-11-26

I am advised that today the minister is opening a new Centre for Energy Research at the Northern Territory University. Can the minister outline to the House what the purpose of this centre is, and the advantages that might flow from the centre for the Territory?


Madam Speaker, this is a very exciting project which has been established to progress energy research in the Territory. Money that is normally spent on research and development by the Power and Water Authority will now be used to fund some innovative projects for a wider market. In fact, the Power and Water Authority has committed some $2.6m over the next 5 years to combine with the Northern Territory University to look at ways to advance renewable energy with a particular focus on what is happening out at remote areas.

The centre will also provide the Territory with the opportunity to research and develop some marketable energy solutions in the wider South-East Asian region. It is based at the Northern Territory University Casuarina campus and the Power and Water Authority. Obviously, they will provide the necessary test-bed facilities and facilitate trial programs.

There are already some exciting projects which the centre has agreed to work on, but I will not go into these until I do the launch today at lunch time. One initiative is to advance research into rooftop photovoltaic solar systems in central Australia, and the aim is to develop cost-efficient generation of solar energy which will reduce the cost of electricity and enhance the Territory’s greenhouse emission reduction performance.

A pilot system has already been built - you might even have seen it at the Centre for Appropriate Technology. I launched it earlier on this year. Discussions have also been held with the Joint Defence Authority in consideration of trialling 13 of their houses in Alice Springs with photovoltaic rooftop cells.

Another initiative is to research whether the noxious weed mimosa pigra can be used as a commercial feedstock for the production of electricity and/or charcoal. There are many other exciting initiatives. I hope the media will join me today at the launch at 12.30 of this exciting new government project which will provide the Territory with the opportunity to become one of the leaders in alternative energy systems into the next millennium.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016